謝謝啦,我的mail:jmy-2000@sohu.com Gt8M&S-;
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D#9m\o_
Application Note for Display Systems-GB2312-2003 0723 u;ImcaG bI7Vwyz
Assistance_from_a_virtual_world_LucidShape_LP092006 5_<!Vjm dK$XNi13.5
Auto Importance Sampling mAv9n Mg_ &)#
AutoImportanceSampling_Rel3.0 U'C.B'eT# g>E LGG|Q
Creating_Source_Files_3.0 (j+vNQ xk9%F?)
displaysystems !{$Od > 5 Aw"B
fitting-bsdf RY !L M!siK2
Gaussian Beam And Fiber Coupling GZ@= 7XKL( 4B8oO
groundglass lGjk| ?+ M~Tuj1?
incidentflux e,cR}5fd y1jCg%'H
instrumentpanels fjbgVa~n<v 1W
Integrating Sphere o^6'R},(6 Ea=8}6`s
IntegratingSphereTutorial_Rel3.0 *H i?k7p 1SQ3-WUs
interchange-1999 c^)hfL =g7x'
LandscapeTutorial \k=}Mw #ZUI)9My@
map count smoothing setting hG?eF2F, gmUz9P(
Matlab_TracePro p&*Te >rp @o].He@L<j
Medical_Tissue_Tutorial Rel 3.2 7J!vlXQQ 2lZ
ModelingAsphericTolerancesinLensDesignSoftwareI_SPIE5867-2 ev $i7@ M><yGaaX/
NEWTracePro40ExpertLifeSciencesDatasheet Ve IZ[WnB '0;l]/i.
NEWTracePro40LightingDatasheet /iE=j=c{ rET\n(AJ
Nomenclature_and_use_of_TracePro_asymmetric_table_BSDF 6XXaQ`> L8@f-Kk
Non linear optimization for TracePro -2 yp;+)+ (q/e1L-S
Optical Thin Films for Opto-Mechnical Analysis-ORG-2003 0723 b?0\X;go ~p6 V,Q
OpticalDesignUsingComputerGraphics fFQyr 9 %_H<:uGO%
OpticalThinFilms aXG]U}T F@D`N0Pte
Optics_Reference \_ 8uD]I GhAlx/K
opticsthatfit LVPp!G\da ~f2z]JLr:
Optimization_of_Illumination_Systems_using_TracePro sEV$7Pft ql Ax
Program_Reference Lp?#b+<M $j%'{)gK
Raytrace and Analysis ]i3Xg-@Mcz RXMISt3+{y
Surface and Material Properties - guidelines for when to use one or both 5,#Kl=:3l ^cC,.Fdw
taillight_tutorial - Y;v etDk35!h~,
TraceProBRIDGE zpCLNwP3 1/B>XkCJ
traceprobrochure JdHr}H= 5+4IN5o]=
Tracepro漫反射的模擬 *z6 rn}& @f>-^
TracePro中map count的光線分割 y f7 r{T R`5.[?Dt
Translation and Interchange for Mechanical CAD and Lens Design Data-ORG-2003 0723 !ZBB+`t zy?|ODM
Tutorial Coupling Options For Lightpipes =-XU?N5 3Y4?CM&0v
using software to reduce lightpipt design costs-EC-2003 0710 ,+z4v'0- dw>C@c#"
背光模組產(chǎn)業(yè)應(yīng)用白皮書 M7}8hjC@ @}u*|P*
導(dǎo)光管技術(shù)應(yīng)用白皮書 y.\#'o9 D(op)]8
蒙地卡羅光追跡之邊緣繞射 rV*RtO 0S x3=A:}t8
投影顯示產(chǎn)業(yè)應(yīng)用白皮書 e]~qEtSt* T3.&R#1M8-