/qLO/Mim Error: sapphire and cone are overlapping at coincident surfaces Surface 0 and Surface 3183.
o[ 5dR< Ray 198, level 68 terminated at (0.308833 0.183908 0.075)
'PF>#X'' Error: sapphire and cone are overlapping at coincident surfaces Surface 0 and Surface 2343.
d(q1?{zr4 Ray 736, level 43 terminated at (0.175985 0.13324 0.075)
g|~px$<iY Error: sapphire and cone are overlapping at coincident surfaces Surface 0 and Surface 2125.
0S{23L4C Ray 1134, level 82 terminated at (0.103098 0.0474212 0.075)
=5|7S&{ Error: sapphire and N are overlapping at coincident surfaces Surface 0 and Surface 1600.
^DYS~I%s Ray 2133, level 186 terminated at (0.12514 0.0239743 0.075)