我在carl zeiss里看到的資料:
vE,^K6q0` Example: an erythrocyte (O 8 μm) is photographed using
r+m.!+ the Achroplan objective 100x. The TV adapter has the
F?tWx+N<{ factor 0.5x:
p*5_+u |hj!NhBe M optical = 100 x 0.5 = 50 x
1#cTk ZHjL8Iq The active sensor diagonal of the 1/3”-chip CCD-camera
uvJHkAi is 5.3 mm. The monitor in the lecture room has a useful
]B;`Jf image diagonal of 61 cm (= 610 mm).
Wcc4/:`Hu ~}j+~ M electronic = 610 mm / 5.3 mm = 115 x